by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Nov 28, 2018 | Child Custody
Regardless of how amicable a split is, the end of a marriage can present several challenges for anyone in Texas, especially when children are part of the picture. Unless sole custody is granted, children are likely to have to split their time between two homes. Some...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Oct 24, 2018 | Child Custody
A custodial parent is generally the parent the child lives with most of the time. Custodial parents in Texas should keep a few points in mind when dealing with the other parent. One of those things is sticking to the agreed-upon custody schedule or letting the other...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Sep 27, 2018 | Child Custody
Parents in Texas who have lost custody of their children may not understand why this happened to them. However, they should understand that they may still be allowed to have visitation or other rights to their children. If they want to get custody back, it is...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Sep 12, 2018 | Child Custody
Divorced parents in Texas and around the country generally try their best to put their differences aside when the welfare of their children is at stake, which is why family law judges tend to order co-parenting arrangements whenever possible. Psychologists have found...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Jul 30, 2018 | Child Custody
Parents in Texas may be able to dissolve their marriage, but they are not able to put an end to the relationship that they have with their kids. This means working together with the child’s other parent to raise a son or daughter. To increase the odds of being...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Jul 3, 2018 | Child Custody
Following a divorce, it can be difficult for Texas parents to negotiate a parenting schedule with their former spouses. However, it’s an important process that helps children adjust to their new living arrangements. Experts say that it also demonstrates the...