by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Apr 30, 2020 | Child Custody
As Mother’s Day is approaching you might be thinking of ways to guarantee that you spend the day with your children. If you included a clause in your parenting agreement that your children spend the day with you despite any scheduled visitation with the other...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Mar 28, 2020 | Child Custody
Dallas County Family District Courts’ Joint Statement Re: Possession and Access During the March 22, 2020 Dallas County Amended Order to Stay Home, Stay Safe For all Family Law cases in Dallas County:...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Mar 26, 2020 | Child Custody, News
The “Shelter-in-Place” order was signed on March 24, 2020, as part of Collin County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This executive order was enacted alongside others following Governor Abbott’s declaration of a state of disaster for all...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Dec 3, 2019 | Child Custody
When parents in Texas decide to divorce, they may face challenges adapting to the co-parenting process. This is especially true if the marriage was marred by high levels of conflict and mistrust. At the same time, absent a situation of abuse or neglect, children...
by Brant Webb | Nov 12, 2019 | Child Custody
Fathers in Texas who are going through a divorce might be more likely to get partial or full custody of their children than in previous decades. In 1980, 80% of the time, mothers were awarded sole custody. In 2008, this happened just 42% of the time. Furthermore,...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Oct 31, 2019 | Child Custody
In child custody cases in Texas, the court has broad discretion to make any ruling it sees as fitting, and the decision will be based on the facts of the case. Generally speaking, though, there are certain factors that the court will take into consideration before it...