by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Jun 20, 2018 | Child Support
Being unable to work because of a disability can severely impair a person’s ability to pay child support. However, a person’s responsibility to pay child support doesn’t typically end if he or she becomes disabled. Custodial parents whose exes are...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Jun 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
Divorce is a difficult time no matter how much or little you earn. But if you are in a particularly high income bracket, there are particular challenges to your divorce that you need to be aware of. If you are the primary earner in your marriage, you may have concerns...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | Jun 6, 2018 | Child Support
Some Texas couples have a difference in their incomes, and one may need to seek public assistance when they end their relationships. When a person needs to get public assistance and has a child or children, his or her benefits may depend on any child support order...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | May 23, 2018 | Child Support
Many single parents in Texas receive child support payments to cover the expenses associated with raising a child. While there are some political analysts who say that too much child support is paid to single parents, the United States Census Bureau has collected...
by The Webb Family Law Firm, P.C. | May 9, 2018 | High Asset Divorce, Property Division
You and your spouse have significant assets that you acquired during your marriage. Since Texas is a community property state, you know that your marital property will be divided when the judge finalizes your divorce. This may be reassuring, as you realize that...